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Aaban | آبان | 8th Persian month, angel of iron |
Aabdar | آبدار | Bright, like glass. |
Aabis | آبص | Lucky. |
Aadheen | آدھین | Obedient, submissive. |
Aadhil | عدل | Honorable Judge, One who Jugdes Fairly. |
Aafiya | عافیه | Good health; Bin Ayyub had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith |
Aali | عالی | High, tall. |
Aalim | عالم | Scholar Plural is ulama normally used for religious scholors |
Aamil | عمل | Doer, Work man. |
Aamil | عمل | Doer, Work man. |
Aaqil | عاقل | Intelligent. |
Aarib | آرب | Handsome, healthy. |
Aariz | آریز | Leader, ruler, leader of nation. |
Aarzam | آرزم | War, battle, quarrel. |
Aas | آس | Hope. |
Aashir | عاشر | Living; spending a life. |
Aasim | عا صم | Protector |
Aatiq | عاتق | Free; liberated; independent; name: Aatiq Ali; Muhammad Aatiq |
Aatish | آتش | Fire. |
Aazim | عازم | Intending; determining, resolved on, applying the mnind to an undertaking. |
Abadiya | عبادیه | Ibn al Abadiyah was an author known for his eloquent literary style. |
Abahh | عباح | Al-Abahh was the nickname of al Hasan Ibn Ibrahim, an astrologer of Al Mamun |
Aban | ابان | Old Arabic name. |
Abbad | عباد | A great worshipper of Allah, several men have passed bearing this name among them Abu Abbad Jabir Ibn Zayd of the court of al Mamun |
Abbas | عباس | A furious lion. |
Abbood | عبود | Devoted worshipper of Allah. |
Abd | عبد | Servant, devotee, slave. |
Abd Khayr | عبدخیر | Khayr is all kinds of goodness and happiness. This was the name of Ibn-Yazid Al-Khaywani who fought with Sayyidina Ali RA. |
Abdah | عبده | Nick name of Abdur - Rehman bin Sulayman the father of Muhammad Ibn Abdur Rahman, the genealogist. |
Abdan | عبدان | Is derived from abd; a man, ibn Abi Harb had this name and al-jahiz wrote letters to him |
Abdud Daar | عبدالضار | Servant of the Depriver |
Abdul Aakhir | عبدالآخر | Servant of the Last |
Abdul Adal | عبدالعدل | Servant of the Just |
Abdul Adl | عبدالعدل | Slave of the just. |
Abdul Afuw | عبدالعفو | Servant of the Forgiver |
Abdul Afuw | عبدالعفو | Slave of the One who pardons - (The pardoner) |
Abdul Ahad | عبدالاحد | Servant of the only One (Allah). |
Abdul Aleem | عبدالعلیم | Servant of the All-knowing (Allah). |
Abdul Ali | عبدالعلی | Servant of the most High. |
Abdul Awwal | عبدالاول | Servant of the First |
Abdul Awwal | عبدالاول | Slave of the First One. |
Abdul Azim | عبدالعظیم | Servant of the Mighty (Allah). |
Abdul Aziz | عبدالعزیز | Servant of the Almighty. |
Abdul Baari | عبدالباری | Servant of the Creator. |
Abdul Badee | عبدالبدیع | Servant of the Inventor |
Abdul Badee | عبدالبدیع | Slave of the originator |
Abdul Bais | عبدالباعث | Servant of the Resurrector |
Abdul Bais | عبدالباعث | Slave of the one who raises from death. |
Abdul Baqi | عبدالباقی | Servant of the Everlasting (Allah). |
Abdul Bari | عبدالباری | Slave of the Creator |
Abdul Barr | عبدالبر | Servant of the All-benign. |
Abdul Baseer | عبدالبصیر | Servant of All-sagacious (Allah). |
Abdul Baseer | عبدالبصیر | Slave of the All-seeing. |
Abdul Basit | عبدالباسط | Servant of the Expander (Allah). |
Abdul Batin | عبدالباطن | Servant of the Inward. |
Abdul Fattah | عبدالفتاح | Servant of the conqueror (Allah). |
Abdul Ghaffar | عبدالغفار | Servant of the All-forgiving (Allah). |
Abdul Ghafur | عبدالغفور | Servant of the All-forgiving. |
Abdul Ghani | عبدالغنی | Servant of the All-sufficient. |
Abdul Haafiz | عبدالحافظ | Servant of the Guardian (Allah). |
Abdul Hadi | عبدالھادی | Servant of the Guide (Allah). |
Abdul Hafeez | عبدالحفیظ | Servant of the Guardian (Allah). |
Abdul Hakam | عبدالحکم | Servant of the Arbitrator. |
Abdul Hakeem | عبدالحکیم | Servant of the All-wise (Allah). |
Abdul Hakim | عبدالحاکم | Servant of the Judge (Allah). |
Abdul Halim | عبدالحلیم | Servant of the All-element (Allah). |
Abdul Hameed | عبدالحمید | Servant of the All-laudable (Allah). |
Abdul Hannan | عبدالحنان | Slave of the Merciful Forgiving. |
Abdul Haq | عبدالحق | Servant of the Truth (Allah). |
Abdul Haseeb | عبدالحسیب | Servant of the Reckoner. |
Abdul Hayy | عبدالحی | Servant of the Living (Allah). |
Abdul Jabbar | عبدالجبار | Servant of the All-compeller/the Omnipotent (Allah). |
Abdul Jalil | عبدالجلیل | Servant of the Exalted (Allah). |
Abdul Jame | عبدالجامع | Servant of the Gatherer |
Abdul Jamil | عبدالجمیل | Servant of the Beautiful (Allah). |
Abdul Jawwad | عبدالجواد | Slave of the most Bountiful. |
Abdul Kabir | عبدالکبیر | Servant of the Great |
Abdul Kabir | عبدالکبیر | Slave of the Gracious. Abdul Karim al-Jazari was a narrator of hadith. |
Abdul Kafi | عبدالکافی | Servant of the All-sufficient (Allah). |
Abdul Karim | عبدالکریم | Servant of the most generous (Allah). |
Abdul Khabir | عبدالخبیر | Slave of the one who is aware. |
Abdul Khafiz | ابدالخافض | Servant of the Descender |
Abdul Khaliq | عبدالخالق | Servant of the Creator (Allah). |
Abdul Lateef | عبدالطیف | Slave of the Gracious. |
Abdul Latif | عبدالطیف | Servant of the All-gentle (Allah). |
Abdul Maalik | عبدالمالک | Servant of the Owner (Allah). |
Abdul Maane | عبدالمانع | Servant of the Withholder |
Abdul Majeed | عبدالمجید | Servant of the All-glorious (Allah). |
Abdul Majid | عبدالماجد | Servant of the All-glorious (Allah). |
Abdul Malek | عبدالملک | Servant of the Sovereign |
Abdul Malik | عبدالملک | Servant of the King (Allah). |
Abdul Mani | عبدالمانع | Slave of one who prevents. |
Abdul Mannan | عبدالمنان | Slave of the Benefactor. |
Abdul Matin | عبدالمتین | Servant of the Strong (Allah). |
Abdul Matin | عبدالمتین | Servant of the Firm |
Abdul Moakhir | عبدالمٶخر | Servant of the Retarder |
Abdul Moez | عبدالمعز | Servant of the Honourer |
Abdul Mohsi | عبدالمحصی | Servant of the Surrounder |
Abdul Momit | عبدالممیت | Servant of the Death-giver |
Abdul Moqit | عبدالمقیت | Servant of the Energizer |
Abdul Mubdi | عبدالمبدی | Servant of the Originator |
Abdul Mueed | عبدالمعید | Slave of the Restorer, the Replroducer. |
Abdul Mughni | عبدالمغنی | Servant of the Enricher |
Abdul Mughni | عبدالمغنی | Slave of the Enricher. |
Abdul Muhaimin | عبدالمھیمن | Servant of the All-preserver (Allah). |
Abdul Muhsin | عبدالمحسن | Slave of the Benefactor; Among the known people was ibn-Ghalbun Al-Suri. |
Abdul Muhyee | عبدالمحیی | Slave of the One Who gives life and sustains it. |
Abdul Muid | عبدالمعید | Servant of the Restorer (Allah). |
Abdul Muiz | عبدالمعز | Slave of the Honourer, the Exalter. |
Abdul Mujib | عبدالمجیب | Servant of the Answerer (Allah). |
Abdul Mumin | عبدالمٔومن | Servant of the All-faithful (Allah). |
Abdul Munim | عبدالمنعم | Servant of the Benefactor (Allah). |
Abdul Muntaqim | عبدالمنتقم | Servant of the Revenger |
Abdul Muntaqim | عبدالمنتقم | Slave of Him Who punishes wrongdoes and seizes retribution. |
Abdul Muqaddim | عبدالمقدم | Servant of the Promoter |
Abdul Muqeet | عبدالمقیت | Slave of the Sustainer. |
Abdul Muqsit | عبدالمقسط | Servant of the Equitable |
Abdul Muqsit | عبدالمقسط | Slave of the Just. |
Abdul Muqtadir | عبدالمقتدر | Servant of the Omnipotent (Allah). |
Abdul Musawwir | عبدالمصور | Servant of the Fashioner (Allah). |
Abdul Mutakabbir | عبدالمتکبر | Servant of the Superb |
Abdul Mutali | عبدالمتعالی | Servant of the most High (Allah). |
Abdul Muti | عبدالمعطی | Servant of the Donor (Allah). |
Abdul Muttalib | عبدالمطلب | This was the name of the grand father of the Prophet PBUH |
Abdul Muzanni | عبدالمزنی | He was a narrator of Hadith. |
Abdul Nafi | عبدالنافع | Slave of the Propitious. |
Abdul Qabiz | عبدالقابض | Servant of the Withholder |
Abdul Qadeer | عبدالقدیر | Servant of the Powerful (Allah). |
Abdul Qadir | عبدالقادر | Servant of the Powerful (Allah). |
Abdul Qahhar | عبدالقھار | Servant of the Subduer |
Abdul Qahhar | عبدالقھار | Slave of the Dominant |
Abdul Qahir | عبدالقاھر | Servant of the Subduer (Allah). |
Abdul Qawi | عبدالقوی | Servant of the Mighty (Allah). |
Abdul Qayyum | عبدالقیوم | Servant of the Eternal (Allah). |
Abdul Quddus | عبدالقدوس | Servant of the All-Holy (Allah). |
Abdul Shakoor | عبدالشکور | Servant of the All-thankful (Allah). |
Abdul Vajed | عبدالواجد | Servant of the Finder |
Abdul Vakil | عبدالوکیل | Servant of the Implementor |
Abdul Waali | عبدالوالی | Servant of the Inheritor |
Abdul Waase | عبدالواسع | Servant of the Vast |
Abdul Wahhab | عبدالوھاب | Servant of the All-give (Allah). |
Abdul Wahid | عبدالواحد | Servant of the One (Allah). |
Abdul Wali | عبدالولی | Servant of the Comrade |
Abdul Waris | عبدالوارث | Servant of the Survivor |
Abdullah | عبدالله | Servant of Allah, slave of Allah; name of Prophet Muhammad's Father. |
Abdun Naafe | عبدالنافع | Servant of the Giver of Gains |
Abdun Nasir | عبدالناصر | Servant of the Helper (Allah). |
Abdun Noor | عبدالنور | Servant of the Light. |
Abdur Rab | عبدالرب | Servant of the Lord (Allah). |
Abdur Rafi | عبدالرفیع | Servant of the Exalted (Allah). |
Abdur Rahim | عبدالرحیم | Servant of the most Merciful (Allah). |
Abdur Rahim | عبدالرحیم | Servant of the Compassionate |
Abdur Rahman | عبدالرحمٰن | Servant of the most Gracious (Allah). |
Abdur Rahman | عبدالرحمٰن | Servant of the Beneficent |
Abdur Raoof | عبدالرٶف | Servant of the Compassionate |
Abdur Raqib | عبدالرقیب | Servant of the Observer (Allah). |
Abdur Rasheed | عبدالرشید | Servant of the Right-minded (Allah). |
Abdur Rauf | عبدالرٔووف | Servant of the most Kind (Allah). |
Abdur Razzaq | عبدالرزاق | Servant of the All-provider (Allah). |
Abdur Razzaq | عبدالرزاق | Slave of the provider; Ibn Hammam was one of those prominent people with this name, Servant of the Provider. |
Abdus | عبدوس | Ibn Khallad was so named; he was a narrator of Hadith. |
Abdus Saboor | عبدالصبور | Servant of the Patient (Allah). |
Abdus Salam | عبدالسلام | Servant of the All-peaceable. |
Abdus Samad | عبدالصمد | Servant of the Eternal (Allah). |
Abdus Sami | عبدالسمیع | Servant of the All-hearing (Allah). |
Abdus Sattar | عبدالستار | Servant of the Veiler of sin (Allah). |
Abdus Subhan | عبدالسبحان | Servant of the Glory (Allah). |
Abdus Subooh | عبدالسبوح | Slave of the Extremely pure. |
Abdush Shafi | عبدالشافع | Slave of the Healer. |
Abdush Shaheed | عبدالشھید | Servant of the Witness |
Abdush Shahid | عبدالشاھد | Slave of the witness. |
Abdut Tawwab | عبدالتواب | Servant of the most forgiving (Allah). |
Abduz Zahir | عبدالظاھر | Servant of the Overt |
Abduz Zahir | عبدالظاھر | Slave of the Manifest. |
Abid | عابد | Worshipper, adorer, devout. |
Abidin | عابدین | Pl. of Abid. i.e. worshippers, A popular name among Muslims. |
Abidullah | عابدالله | Worshipper of Allah. |
Abrad | ابرد | Hail, Mail, Ibn Ashras a Narrator of Hadith had this name. |
Abram | ابرام | Need, stong grip. |
Abrar | ابرار | Pl. of Birr, obedience, gift. |
Abrash | ابرش | Spotted, speckled; A master of penmanship during the early Abbasid period had this name. |
Abraz | ابراز | Reveal, divulge. |
Abraz | ابراز | Show, unfolded divulged mystery. |
Abreeq | ابریق | Glittering sword. |
Absar | ابصار | Pl. of Basar, vision, sight. |
Absat | ابساط | Wide, vast, spacious. |
Absham | ابشام | A tree which has scent. |
Absi | عبسی | Probably from Abasa to frown; this was the name of Abdullah Ibn-Musa, a scholar and reciter of the Quran, died 828/829 |
Abt'hi | ابطحی | One who lives in Abtah, a place near Makkah. |
Abteen | آبتین | Father of Faridoon (a king). |
Abu Ayyub | ابو ایوب | A well-known Sahabi who had received the honour of offering hospitality to the Prophet Muhammad when he migrated to Madinah. |
Abu Bakr | ابوبکر | Father of the young camel. The first Caliph of Islam. |
Abu Darda | ابودردآء | Famous Sahabi of Rasoolullah PBUH. |
Abu Dawud | ابوداؤد | Author of one of the Sahih Hadith (d. 875). |
Abu Hanifa | ابو حنیفه | Founder of the Hanafi school of thought/ Islamic Law. |
Abu Hurairah | ابوھریره | A great Sahabi who is the narrator of many Ahadith (Traditions). |
Abu Huzaifah | ابوحذیفه | A famous Sahabi of Rasoolullah PBUH. |
Abu Isa | ابو عیسیٰ | Father of Isa. |
Abu Juhafa | ابو جحیفه | A Sahabi of the Holy Prophet PBUH. |
Abu Mahzoorah | ابو محذوره | Name of one companion of the Prophet of Allah. |
Abu Masood | ابو مسعود | A great Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr. |
Abu Moosa | ابو موسی | A well-known Sahabi; his full name was Abu Moosa Al-Ashari |
Abu Saeed | ابو سعید | Father of dignified, name of a Sahabi (RA). |
Abu Talha | ابوطلحه | A great Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr. |
Abu Talib | ابو طالب | Father of seeker; name of the Prophet Muhammad's uncle. |
Abu Turab | ابوتراب | An attributive of Caliph Ali, the fourth of the 'rightly guided' Caliphs. The Prophet Muhammad gave him this epithet. |
Abu Ubaidah | ابو عبیده | A great Sahabi of the Prophet PBUH; one of the ten companions whom the Holy Prophet PBUH has declared as the people of Jannah. |
Abu Yousuf | ابو یوسف | Name of a great jurist and pupil of Imam Abu Hanifah RA. |
Abu Zar | ابوذر | A great Sahabi of the Prohet of Allah. |
Abul Alaa | ابو الاعلیٰ | Father of glory. |
Abul Barakat | ابو البرکات | Father of blessings, blissful. |
Abul Bashar | ابو البشر | Father of mankind. An epithet of Adam who was also the first Prophet. |
Abul Farah | ابو الفرح | Father of joy i.e. happy, glad. |
Abul Faraj | ابو الفرج | Possessor of comfort, father of comfort, comfortable. |
Abul Fath | ابو الفتح | Father of victory, victorious. |
Abul Fazl | ابو الفضل | Endowed with bounty, grace. |
Abul Haisam | ابوالھیثم | A Sahabi; also a great scholar of history. |
Abul Hasan | ابو الحسن | Father of Hasan. |
Abul Husain | ابو الحسین | Father of Husain: Caliph Ali. |
Abul Kalam | ابو الکلام | Father of speech, eloquent. |
Abul Khair | ابو الخیر | Father of good work, virtuous. |
Abul Mahasin | ابو المحاسن | Father of virtues, merits. |
Abul Qasim | ابو القاسم | Father of Qasim, an attributive name of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Abul Yumn | ابو الیمن | Father of happiness, happy. |
Abul Yusr | ابوالیسر | A great Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr. |
Abyan | ابین | Clearer, more distinct. |
Abyaz | ابیض | White, bright, brilliant. |
Abzari | ابزاری | Seeds, spice, seedsman, one who sows; the Persian scribe and memoriser of tradition, Abu-Ishaq Ibrahim had this name |
Adam | آدم | Name of the first man and Prophet of Allah; father of mankind. |
Adawi | عدوی | A grandson of Sayyidina Umer RA, famous for hsi piety and knowledge. |
Adeel | عدیل | Coeval, match. |
Adeem | ادیم | Red coloured perfumed leather, Surface of earth, soil. |
Adham | ادھم | Black. |
Adham | ادھم | Black Horse, The name of Balkh Ruler and a famous wali: Ibrahim Adham R.A. |
Adheen | آدھین | Follower, devotee. |
Adi | عدی | A Sahabi of the Prophet of Allah PBUH. And a son of Haatim Taai, a person famous for his in generosity; his full name was Adiyy ibn Haatim. |
Adib | ادیب | Well-mannered, courteous, polished, man of letters. |
Adil | عادل | Just, upright, righteous. |
Adiy | عدی | A companion of the Prophet PBUH; also the name of the son of Hatim Taiy known for his generosity; also the son of Thabit had this name. |
Adl | عدل | Justice. |
Adli | عدلی | Pertaining to justice. |
Adnan | عدنان | A descendant of Ismail and traditional ancestor of the North Arabian tribes.. who called themselves 'the sons of Adnan'. |
Adyan | ادیان | Religions, plural of Din. |
Afandi | آفندی | Noble, master, lord. |
Afaq | آفاق | A verse who has depth like skies. |
Affan | عفان | Modest; Father of Caliph Usman. |
Afham | افهام | Wisdom, prudence. |
Afif | عفیف | Chaste, modest, virtuous, honest, righteous, upright, decent. |
Afif-ud-Din | عفیف الدین | Virtuous of the religion (Islam). |
Afkar | افکار | Destitue, poor. |
Aflah | افلح | Gaining success-but the Prophet PBUH has discouraged us from giving such names to our children. |
Afraz | افراض | Move higher, be taller. |
Afridi | آفریدی | A cast of Afghans. |
Afroze | افروز | Lightening, enlightening. |
Afsa | افساء | Transparent, clear. |
Afsah | افصاء | Eloquent. |
Afsar | افسر | Crown. |
Afsar-ud-Din | افسرالدین | Adorning the religion. |
Aftab | آفتاب | Sun. |
Afuww | عفو | The Pardoner; He who pardons all who repent sincerely as if they had no previous sin. |
Afzaal | افضال | Kindness, grace, favours, virtues. |
Afzal | افضل | Better, superior, prominent. |
Agharr | اغر | Handome, beautiful, distinguished, illustrious, noble, Magnanimous. |
Aghlab | اغلب | Superior, supreme. |
Ahad | احد | One, unique, without partner; one of the names of Allah. |
Ahdaf | اھداف | Pl. of Hadaf, aim, goal, target. |
Ahkam | احکم | Strong, durable. |
Ahmadullah | احمدالله | I praise Allah. |
Ahmar | احمر | Red Coloured. |
Ahmed | احمد | The most praised; one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad; I praise (First person present imperfect verb). |
Ahnaf | احنف | Bin Qays bin Muwiyah bin Husayn at Tamimi had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith |
Ahraz | احراز | Protection, piety. |
Ahsab | احسب | Nobler, more respected, of higher nobility. |
Ahsan | احسن | Better, superior. |
Ahsanullah | احسان الله | Favor of God. |
Ahwas | اھوص | Having narrow, contracted or squinting eyes. |
Ahyan | احیان | Eras, ages, times. |
Ahzab | احزاب | Confederate Bin Aseed had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith. |
Aiz | عیض | This was the name of a reciter of the Quran who followed the recital of Hamzah. |
Aizaad | ایزاد | Extension, excess. |
Ajawid | اجاوید | Pl. of Jawwad, open-handed, generous, noble. |
Ajlah | اجلح | Bald, hairless, Ibn Abdullah, a narrator of Hadith, had this name. |
Ajmal | اجمل | More beautiful, extremely beautiful. |
Ajmar | اجمر | Fastest. |
Ajtaba | اجتبٰی | Favourite, selected. |
Ajwad | اجود | Better, more generous. |
Akbar | اکبر | Greater, bigger, greatest, most pious, honourable. |
Akeem | آکیم | Wise, Intelligent |
Akfash | اخفاش | There have been several men of this name; there were three grammarians of this name in the 8th / 9th century. |
Akhas | اخٔس | Bin Khalfah was so named; he was a narrator of Hadith. |
Akhlaq | اخلاق | Good manners, morals. |
Akhmas | اخماس | Brave, valiant. |
Akhram | اخرم | Clever, active. |
Akhtar | اختر | Star, good luck. |
Akhtar | اختر | Star, good luck. |
Akhund | اخوند | Honorific title of someone learned in religious matters. |
Akhund Zada | اخوندزاده | Son of a person learned in religious matters. |
Akhzar | اخضر | Greenery. |
Akif | عاکف | Devoted to, dedicated to, persevering in, busily engaged, attached, intent. |
Akmal | اکمل | More complete, more perfect. |
Akram | اکرم | More generous, nobler, bountiful. |
Al Amin | الأمین | An epithet of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Al Burhan | البرھان | The proof. |
Al Faiz | الفاﺋز | Name of a Fatimid Caliph. |
Al Mamoon | المامون | Seventh Abbasid Caliph (813-33). |
Al Rafi | الرفیع | One of the names of Allah. |
Al Siddiq | الصدیق | The truthful, title of Abu Bakr the first righteous Caliph. |
Al Tahir | الطاھر | Nickname of Abdullah, son of Muhammad who died in infancy. |
Al Tayyib | الطیب | Nickname of Abdullah, son of Muhammad who died in infancy. |
Ala-ud-Din | علاءالدین | Glory of religion, excellence of religion (Islam). |
Alaa | علاء | Height, elevation. |
Alam | عالم | The world, the universe. |
Alamgir | عالمگیر | World conqueror. |
Aleem | علیم | Learned, expert, scholar, omniscient; one of the names of Allah. |
Aleem-ul-Huda | علم الھدیٰ | Banner of guidance. |
Aleemuddin | علیم الدین | A learned person in religion. |
Alhan | الحان | Eloquence, good voice. |
Alhazar | الحزر | Sos, help. |
Ali Asghar | علی اصغر | Infant son of Imam Husayn who attained martyrdom in the Karbala when he was a suckling baby. |
Allah Bakhsh | الله بخش | Gift of Allah. |
Allal | علال | Comforter. |
Alman | المان | Kind, willing and wiseman. |
Almas | الماس | Diamond. |
Altaf | الطاف | Pl. of Lutf, kindness, grace, favour. |
Altaf Hussain | الطاف حسین | Kindness of Husain. |
Altamash | التمش | Front-line army. |
Alwaz | الواز | Light, brightness. |
Alyasaa | الیسع | Elisha - a Prophet |
Amaan | ایمان | The most loveable. |
Amad | عماد | Pillar, post, support. |
Amal | عمل | Hope, aspiration. |
Aman | امان | Trust, safety, security, protection, tranquility, peace of mind, calmness. |
Amanat | امانت | Trust. |
Amani | امانی | Pl. of Umniya, wish, aspiration, hope. |
Amanuddin | امان الدین | Trust of religion (Islam). |
Amanuddin | امان الدین | Trust of religion (Islam). |
Amanullah | امان الله | Trust, care of Allah, protection of Allah. |
Amar | امر | Work, problem, order |
Ameer | امیر | Chieftain, ruler, prince, commander, lord, leader, master. |
Amid | عمید | Pillar, support, head. |
Amiduddawlah | عمید الدوله | Support of the state, (It is used both as name & title). |
Amin | امین | Trustworthy, faithful, reliable, custodian, honest. |
Aminuddin | امین الدین | Trustworthy in religion (Islam). |
Amir | عامر | Prosperous, populous, civilized, full of life, large. |
Amjaad | امجاد | Pl. of majd, glory, honour. |
Amjad | امجد | Most glorious, most distinguished, more illustrious, most venerable, most noble. |
Ammar | عمار | Virtuous, pious, devout, religious, tolerant. |
Amr | عمرو | Old Arabic name. |
Anam | انعام | Creatures. |
Anan | عنان | Clouds. |
Anas | انس | Friend. |
Anasah | انسه | The Freed slave of the Prophet PBUH had this name. |
Anees | انیس | Intimate, friendly. |
Aniq | انیق | Neat, elegant, smart. |
Anis | انیس | Friend, close companion, sociable, intimate friend, companion. |
Anjum | انجم | Plural of Najm, stars. |
Ansar | انصار | Pl. of Nasir, friend, patron, supporter. |
Ansar | انصار | Supporters, helpers. |
Ansari | انصاری | Relation through ancestry to an Ansar; the people who helped the Prophet when he migrated to Madinah. |
Antar | عنتر | Hero in a story of chivalry. |
Anwaar | انوار | Pl. of noor, meaning light, glow, gleam. |
Anwar | انور | More bright, more brilliant, more radiant, more luminous. |
Anwarulkarim | انوارالکریم | Lights of the Beneficent (Allah). |
Anwerus Sadat | انوار السادات | The most brilliant of the Sayyids. |
Anzar | انضر | Having a good eye sight. |
Aqdas | اقدس | Most holy, more or most sacred. |
Aqeel | عقیل | Insight, mind, intellect, judiciousness, wise, sensible man. |
Aqib | عاقب | Successor, an epithet of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Aqleem | اقلیم | Realm, kingdom. |
Aqleem | اقلیم | Government, realm. |
Aqmar | اقمر | Bright, brilliant, luminous, moonlit. |
Aqqad | عقاد | Maker of trimmings, haberdasher. |
Aqrab | اقرب | Near, close. |
Arafat | عرفات | A plain twelve miles south west of Makkah where pilgrims spend a day performing special worship of Allah during the Hajj. |
Araiz | آریز | National leader. |
Araysh | عریش | Shadower, Overshadower. |
Arbaaz | ارباز | Eagle. |
Arbab | ارباب | Friends |
Ardam | اردم | Brave, boldman. |
Areeb | اریب | Wise, intelligent, bright, brilliant, clever. |
Areef | عریف | Learned, expert, authority. |
Areej | اریج | Fragrant, sweet-smelling. |
Arees | اریس | Peasant, farmer. |
Areez | عریض | Friend. |
Arfaa | ارفع | Very high |
Arham | ارحام | Kind, generous. |
Arif | عارف | Learned, expert, authority, saint, the highest position a mystic can attain. |
Arikah | آریکه | Decorated throne. |
Arjmand | ارجمند | Bountiful. |
Arkan | ارکان | Pl. of Rukn, support, prop, pillar. |
Armaan | ارمان | Wish, desire. |
Arqam | ارقم | Writer, the best recorder; companion of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Arsalan | ارسلان | Lion. |
Arsel | ارسل | To send, to ship, dispatch. |
Arsh | عرش | Sky, roof. |
Arshad | ارشد | Most rightly guided, most reasonable. |
Arshaq | ارشق | Handsome, more elegant, more graceful. |
Arshi | عرشی | The one living in Allah's place, angel. |
Artah | ارطاه | Bin-Ashath was a narrator of Hadith who had this name. |
Arwah | اروح | More delicate, more gracious. |
Arzang | ارزنگ | An ancient wrestler. |
Arzu | آرزو | Wish, hope, love. |
As'ad | اسعد | Virtuous, pious, happier, luckier. |
Asaad | اسعاد | Help, support. |
Asad | اسد | Lion. |
Asadullah | اسدالله | Lion of Allah. Title of Ali (R.A.). |
Asbagh | اصبغ | Coloured animal, huge flood, dyer. |
Asbat | اسباط | Bin Muhammad al-Qurashi a narrator of Hadith had this name. |
Aseed | اسید | Ibn Yazid, a narrator of Hadith had this name. |
Aseel | اثیل | Son of elite family. |
Aseer | اثیر | Preferred, noble, exquisite. |
Asfa | اسفع | Tanned sun burned, Bin Asla had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith. |
Asghar | اصغر | Younger, smaller, minute. |
Ash'ab | اشعب | Lion, Diffcult, Strict. |
Asha'as | اشعث | Scattered, Spread about, humble. |
Ashab | اصھب | Reddish, blond, fair. |
Ashaj | اشج | Abu ad-Dunya al-Maghrabi, had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith. |
Ashar | اسحر | Wise, prudent. |
Ashfaq | اشفاق | Pl. of Shafaqa, kindness, compassion, sympathy, pity, mercy, favours. |
Ashhal | اشھل | Having bluish-black eyes; Bin Hatim had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith. |
Ashhar | اشهر | Famous, popular. |
Ashiq | عاشق | Adorer, lover, suitor. |
Ashiq Ali | عاشق علی | Adorer of Ali. |
Ashiq Muhammad | عاشق محمد | Adorer of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Ashja | اشجع | More courageous, braver. |
Ashkan | اشکان | Healthy, hearty. |
Ashnad | اشند | Swimmer. |
Ashraf | اشرف | More honourable, most distinguished, eminent more nobler. |
Ashrafus Sadat | اشرف السادات | Most noble of the Sayyids. |
Ashras | اشرس | Abu al-Hasan az-Ziyat a narrator of Hadith was so named. |
Asif | آصف | Name of courtier in the kingdom of Prophet Sulaiman who is noted for his intelligence. |
Asif | آصف | Forgiveness, An able Person. |
Asil | اصیل | Of noble origin, highborn, pure, pristine. |
Asim | عاصم | Protector, guardian, chaste, safe. |
Asir | آسر | Captivating, fascinating. |
Askar | عسکر | Troop |
Askari | عسکری | Soldier. |
Asla | اسلع | This name was the name of Asfa the narrator of Hadith. |
Aslam | اسلم | Very safe, safeguarded, better, more perfect, more complete. |
Asma | اسماء | He was Ibn Harithah Al-Aslami. |
Asooda | آسوده | Prosperous, jolly, happy. |
Asra | اسریٰ | Travel by night. |
Asrar | اسرار | Secrets, mysteries, pl. of Sirr, secret. |
Astan | استان | Threshold, gateway. |
Ata | عطاء | Gift, present, favour, bounty, generosity. |
Atabuk | اتابک | Protector, guard. |
Ataullah | عطاءالله | Gift of Allah. |
Ataur Rahman | عطاءالرحمٰن | Gift of the merciful (Allah). |
Athar | اطھر | Purer, more virtuous, most pious, meticulously neat and clean. |
Atif | عاطف | Compassionate, affectionate, sympathetic, kind-hearted, loving. |
Atiq | عتیق | Ancient, noble, antiquated. |
Atir | عاطر | Fragrant, aromatic. |
Attar | عطار | Perfumer, perfume vendor. |
Atuf | عطوف | Affectionate, kind-hearted, compassionate, loving. |
Atyab | اطیب | Scrupulously clean, refined, most noble, excellent. |
Aurang | اورنگ | Royal throne |
Aurangzeb | اورنگزیب | Ornament of the throne, a person befitting the throne. |
Aus | ٔاوس | Myrtle; ace (in cards); Name of a number of Sahaba, e.g. Aus ibn Sabit, Aus ibn Saamit, Aus ibn Kholy. |
Ausaf | اوصاف | Virtues, merits. |
Awad | عوض | Reward, compensation. |
Awais | اویس | Naim of a saint |
Awaiz | آویز | Decorated, decked. |
Awan | اعوان | Friend, supporter. |
Awanah | عوانه | Middle-aged, fierce. Abu Awanah Al-Waddah was a scholar of Hadith and a reciter of Quran. |
Awf | عوف | Guest, fragrance, lion; |
Awn | عون | Support, help. |
Awwab | اواب | Sincere repentant, supplicant. |
Awwal | اول | First. Al-Awwal, the first: one of the names of Allah. |
Ayaat | آیات | Pl. of Ayat, sign, verse of the Quran. |
Ayat | آیه | Sign, revelation, verse of the Quran. |
Ayatullah | آیهالله | Sign of Allah. |
Ayaz | ایاز | A trusted slave of Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi |
Aybak | ایبک | Ibn-Aybak was a leading historian. |
Aydin | آیدین | Brilliant, Enlightened, Intelligent, Light of the moon. |
Ayman | ایمن | Lucky blessed, right-hand, right, on the right, fortunate. |
Ayman | ایمن | Lucky blessed, righ-hand, right, on the right, fortunate. |
Ayn | عین | Source. |
Aynul Hasan | عین الحسن | Hasan like. Hasan was the name of the Prophet Muhammad's grandson from his daughter Fatima. |
Aynul Hayat | عین الحیات | Fountain of Life. |
Aynun Naim | عین النعیم | Fountain of blessing. |
Ayyan | عیان | Gift of God |
Ayyash | عیاش | Bread-seller; |
Ayyub | ایوب | A Prophet, the biblical Job. |
Azaam | اذعام | Submission, prostration. |
Azaam | ازعم | Follower, faithful. |
Azaan | اذان | Call for the Pray, Strength & Power |
Azad | آزاد | Free, liberated. |
Azain | آزاﺋن | Decoration. |
Azam | اعظم | Greater, greatest, more important, most important, most pious, most exalted. |
Azbak | ازبک | Independent, autonomous. |
Azeem | عظیم | Great |
Azfar | اظفر | Most victorious, winner. |
Azghan | ازغان | Faithful. |
Azhaar | ازاھر | Pl. of Zahra, flower, blossom. |
Azhaf | ازحف | Courageous, elite. |
Azhar | ازھر | More glittering, blooming, shining, bright, brilliant, luminous, radiant. |
Azhar | اظھر | More evident, most apparent, most illuminated. |
Azharan | ازهران | The sun and moon alike, to adopt, buds. |
Azim | عظیم | Might, magnificent, glorious, great, dignified, exalted, determined; one of the names of Allah. |
Aziz | عزیز | Might, strong, illustrious, highly esteemed, dearly loved, one of the names of Allah. |
Azizullah | عزیزالله | Dear to Allah. |
Azli | ازلی | From the beginning. |
Azmat | عظمھ | Majesty, pride, grandeur, greatness. |
Azmeer | ازمیر | Clever, pious. |
Azmi | عزمی | One who fulfils his promise. |
Azraf | اظرف | More elegant, more graceful; more humorous. |
Azraq | ازرق | Blue; name of a companion of the Prophet PBUH, bin Qays. |
Azraqi | ازرقی | He was an authority on the history and geography of Makkah. |
Azud | عضد | Upper arm, strength, power, support. |
Azududdin | عضدالدین | Support of religion (Islam). |
Azzam | عزام | Very determined, resolved, resolute. |
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