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Za'ir | زائر | Visitor, guest. |
Zaabit | ضابط | Clever man, one who remembers. |
Zaad | ضاد | Victory, success. |
Zaahir | زاھر | A blooming flower, a bright and shining colour, lofty. |
Zaakir | ذاکر | Rememberer of Allah |
Zaarib | ضارب | One who beats, stricker. |
Zabba | ضبه | Latch, door lock; Name of some people for instance, of ibn-Mihsin, a memeber of the exedition of Abu Musa. |
Zabrij | زبرج | Beauty, decoration. |
Zaeem | زعیم | Guaranter, Rich, healthy, leader, ruler. |
Zafar | ظفر | Victory, triumph. |
Zafeer | ظفیر | Of firm and resolute intention. |
Zafir | ظافر | Victorious, winner. |
Zaheer | زھیر | Blooming, shining, luminous. |
Zaheer | ظھیر | Helper, supporter, protector, patron. |
Zaheeruddawlah | ظھیرالدوله | Helper of the religion (Islam). |
Zaheeruddin | ظھیرالدین | Helper of the religion (Islam). |
Zahhaak | ضحاک | A person who laughs most. Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr. |
Zahi | زاھی | Beautiful, brilliant, glowing. |
Zahid | زاھد | Devout, ascetic. One who renounces the world and is fully devoted to Allah. |
Zahil | زاهل | Calm. |
Zahin | ذھین | Sagacious, intelligent. |
Zahir | ظاھر | Apparent, evident, one of the attributes of Allah. |
Zahir | ظهر | Proud, wealthy. |
Zahoor | ظهور | Expression. |
Zaid | زید | Abundance, increase, increment, superabundance, addition, excess, surplus. |
Zaidan | زیدان | Growth, increase, excess. |
Zaigham | ضیغم | Lion. |
Zaim | زعیم | Leader, chief. |
Zaimuddin | زعیم الدین | Leader of the religion (Islam). |
Zain | زین | Beautiful, pretty, beauty, grace, ornament, honour. |
Zainuddin | زین الدین | Grace of the religion (Islam). |
Zainul Abidin | زین العابدین | Ornament of the worshippers (of Allah). |
Zair | ذأر | Pilgrim. |
Zajil | زاجل | Loud. |
Zaka | ذکا | Intelligent |
Zakariya | زکریا | Zachariah - A Prophet |
Zakawan | ذکوان | Abu Salih as Saman az-Ziyat had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith. |
Zakawat | زکاوت | Sharpness. |
Zakhif | زاخف | Proud. |
Zaki | زکی | Pure, sinless, chaste. |
Zaki | زکی | Pious, clean. |
Zakiuddin | زکی الدین | Pure (person) of the religion (Islam). |
Zakoor | ذکور | Narrator, speaker. |
Zalool | ذلول | Obedient, submissive. |
Zamaam | ذمام | Honour, right, share, place. |
Zamaar | ذمار | Bravery, valour. |
Zaman | زمان | Time, age, era. |
Zaman Shah | زمان شاه | King of the sage. |
Zameer | ضمیر | conscience |
Zami | ضامی | Helper, supporter. |
Zamil | زمیل | Companion, friend. |
Zamin | ضامن | One who stands surety for another one who helps. |
Zamir | ضمیر | Heart, mind, conscience. |
Zamiruddin | ضمیرالدین | Heart of the religion (Islam). |
Zamurad | زمرد | A green precious stone. |
Zamurah | ضمره | Sparkle of light, fire; Name of companion. |
Zamzam | ضمضم | Abu-Zamzam was the name of Al-Madini, a man of an early Islam, about him amusing enecdotes were told. |
Zaray | ضارع | Obedient, submissive. |
Zarf | ظرف | Pot, calibre, wisdom, rank. |
Zarif | ظریف | Elegant, witty, graceful. |
Zarrar | ضرار | Brave, Courageous. A great muslim warrior. |
Zaryab | زریاب | Rich, wealthy. |
Zauq | ذوق | Taste, flavour, knack. |
Zawaad | ذواد | Man of self-respect, noble. |
Zawar | زوار | Pilgrim, visitor of a shrine. |
Zayaam | ذیام | Honour, right, share, place. |
Zayan | زیان | Beauty, prettiness. |
Zaydan | زیدان | Growth and increase. |
Zaytoon | زیتون | Olive (Tree/fruit). |
Zeb | زیب | Beauty, decoration, decorum. |
Zeebaq | زیبق | Mercury, silver. |
Zeeshan | ذیشان | Pompous |
Zhobin | ژوبین | Kind of spear. |
Zia | ضیاء | Light, glow, illumination, splendour. |
Ziauddin | ضیاءالدین | Light of the religion i.e. Islam. |
Ziaul Haq | ضیاءالحق | Light of the Truth i.e. Allah. |
Ziaur Rahman | ضیاءالرحمٰن | Light of the most Gracious i.e. Allah. |
Zihni | ذھنی | Intellectual, cerebral. |
Zill | ظل | Shadow, shade. |
Zillullah | ظل الله | Shadow of Allah. |
Zillur Rahman | ظل الرحمٰن | Shadow of the Merciful i.e. Allah. |
Ziyad | زیاد | Increase, addition, surplus. |
Ziyada | زیاده | Increase, addition, surplus, plenty. |
Ziyadatullah | زیادت الله | Surplus bestowed by Allah. |
Zohaib | ذهیب | Golden. |
Zohoor | ظھور | Appearance, ostentation. |
Zohoorul Bari | ظھورالباری | ostentation of the Creator i.e. Allah |
Zubaid | زبید | The diminutive of zubd, meaning cream, butter etc.. |
Zubair | زبیر | Diminutive of Zubrah, small piece of iron, a brave and wise person. |
Zufar | زفر | Lion, a brave person, an army. |
Zuha | ضحٰی | Forenoon. |
Zuhair | زھیر | Small flower. |
Zuhoor | ظھور | Fame, splendour, emergence. |
Zuka | ذکا | The sun, dawn, morning. |
Zukauddin | ذکاءالدین | Sun of the religion (Islam). |
Zukaullah | ذکاءالله | Sun of Allah. |
Zukaur Rahman | ذکاءالرحمٰن | Sun of Rahman i.e. Allah. |
Zul Kifl | ذوالکفل | A Prophet of Allah. |
Zul Qarnayn | ذوالقرنین | "Owner of the two horns" i.e. world conqueror, epithet of a just king mentioned in the Quran. |
Zulaym | ظلیم | Ibn-Hutayt was a narrator of Hadith with this name. |
Zulfaqar | ذوالفقار | The cleaver of vertebrae. Name of a sword presented to Ali (R.A.) by Muhammad. |
Zulfat | زلفت | Friendship, nearness, status. |
Zulfi | زلفی | Handle of a sword. |
Zunnoon | ذوالنون | 'Lord of the fish', an epithet of Prophet Yunus i.e. Jonah who was swallowed by a big fish and later rescued by the grace of Allah. |
Zushimalain | ذوالشمالین | Name of a Sahabi RA. |
Zuti | زوطی | Name of the grandfather of Imam Abu Hanifah |
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